Tuesday, December 30, 2008

pic of the year.

They say a picture is worth a thousand words, but we think Brian Behnke are all the words you really need for this picture.

Sunday, December 28, 2008

"There's Never A Right Time To Say Goodbye"

Boy, did the prince of R&B Chris Brown ever get that one right. With the end of Fall Semester, we watch our Helaman premies hit the road to serve the Lord! Congrats Blake, Mckay, Kenton, Cameron, Chris, Mark, Spencer, and any other of our college family bros who are servin the mish! KDB will wait for you.

Pics are from our last Sunday Togetha--miss yall already :)

And now....

1000 Hits!

Like Helen, the face who launched a thousand ships, KDB is the blog to launch a thousand hits. YAY! Merry Christmas to our blog!!!!! One thousand people have checked us out. H ya. And, again, we wish we made this sign but we didn't. Thanks to that person who made it and to all yall who stalk us. We loves ya.


Do the Disco !

As the semester was wrapping up we decided to let loose a little and hit up Disco Skate Saturday in Orem. Next time we're going earlier and in costume! Don't know if its the music or the lights, but something in the rink just brings out the sexy side of people (evident in the pics!)

We had a great time spending skating and dancing with our homies who will soon peace out on their missions. Much love Kenton and Blake! We'll always remember our Saturday Night Fevah! :)

Let It Snow

While Brooke was in sunny Arizona and Kristen was hanging with Behnke in Hollarado...I was in youu-taah. It's ok, I had 26 inches of snow to keep me company! It snowed for 12 more hours after this picture was taken. Ugh!

We hope all of our college family had a happy Christmas! Miss you guys!

Happy Birthday David!

Our friend David had his 19th birthday gathering at the Malt Shoppe during finals week! David kinda thinks our blog is stupid, but we do good unto those who are jealous of our blog...so here is a Happy Birthday post to David (secretly our biggest fan!)

(Cute gift Jess!)

Wednesday, December 24, 2008


Finals slapped kdb in the face. There isn't a lot more to say. Seriously imagine a big fat test literally smacking you in the face....do you feel the sting...k the sting of a 58% is like ten times worse. P.S. Anyone who knows the acronym for this post looks at too many facebook bumper stickers!

Pics of studying: (but were we really studying if we were taking pics? your call.)

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Don't H8.

We haven't blogged in a long time. Sorry. I'll get around to it when I get my life back.


Thursday, December 11, 2008


Kristen sold her "baby"..hello SUV! H ya!

P.S. Picture from glory years


Holla. K FOTW. Where has it been at? We dunno, we have been freakin lazy and were sorry we haven't been having FOTW these past two weeks. Sooooo, we are just gonna name off some objects who were pretty much our friends of the week.

Fan: "It keeps me from getting a stuffy nose at night"
Maple and Brown Sugar Oatmeal: "Only thing I eat"

Cranberry Juice: "Saves my Kidneys!"
Kristen's Printer: "Saves everything else in my life"

There you have it, juice, oatmeal, fan, and printer--sexy!
P.S. We promise to all of our blog fans and followers who have asked to be FOTW: we will get to you but remember that requirement number 3 is to HANGETH AROUND, so get to it.

Now, isn't that pic fitting :)

27 Chickens.

Brooke had a little art exhibit for her class in which she had to make 27 art pieces that featured chickens. The art exhibit was representative of the 27 chickens eaten by each person in the Provo Valley yearly. Here are some of our favs:

Nice work Barack!


Shallom. Its been forev since we blogged. SRY. Anyway we dedicate this blog post to the PA, or the PING PONG ASSOCIATION. We heard a lot about the PA before we actually joined it. And joined it how? Well we officially listened to the PA's creed and joined the facebook group so were pretty much members of the BA PA.

History: The PA was begun sometime in the fall in Heritage Halls, BYU. President and Founder, Kyle, is sicky sicky nar nar and pretty much a Ping Pong lord. The only official girl members of the PA is us--yeah boi!

The PA meets every Thursday for intense bracket play. There is always good music and occasional games of speed. Check out the F BOOK group. Created and written by Kyle. http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=59183004304
The creed is hilarious...and even more so when he reads it with some kind of olympic music in the background.

(The pic is of a possible t-shirt design--yes, it is that legit.) More pics to follow.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

800 Hits!

In Chinese culture, the number 8 has special meaning. In blog culture, the number 800 means we've had a lot of special peeps visit the blog--word to ya motha.



Ay Soulja Boy

Yah Yah trick and yo friend YAH YAH too!
ps sorry fo the language.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Kramer Kwote!

Me: "I got a heinous speeding ticket yesterday."

Kramer: "What kind of speeding ticket is that?"

Me: "What?"

Kramer: "Well I know there is like wreckless driving tickets and stuff. Maybe there is like heinous tickets I don't know..."

Me: "...."

Kramer: "I'm a retard."

Monday, December 1, 2008

Fiesta Pack Fiesta Pack!

When people aren't running out of cars, Sunday Night Dell is actually pretty legit. And even more so since we discovered the FIESTA PACK! I don't even know the exact number of tacos/burritos provided but it causes quite the fiesta, as well as siesta.....PICS!

Dynes is intrigued....Ghetto, I know.Chowin'